Vector Tile Schema 1.0


The Shortbread vector tile schema is intended to be a basic, lean, general-purpose vector tile schema for OpenStreetMap data. It does not, and is not intended to, cover the full breadth and depth of OpenStreetMap tagging.

This document describes the layers that are defined in the vector tile schema, and the features and attributes available on each layer.

Feature sorting

Some layers have their features sorted by importance or rendering order. This allows you to use rendering engines which do not support feature sorting themselves.


Layer “ocean”

This layer contains oceans.

Additional attributes are provided only to make GDAL read features from this layer. They have no other meaning.

Layer “water_polygons”

This layer contains inland water bodies and glaciers.


Field Name Type Description
kind string type of water body
way_area numeric area in square meter (Mercator Projection)


kind OSM tag Geometry Zoom
glacier glacier natural=glacier polygon 4+
water water natural=water + water!=river polygon 4+
river river waterway=riverbank , natural=water + water=river polygon 4+
reservoir reservoir landuse=reservoir polygon 4+
basin basin landuse=basin polygon 4+
dock dock waterway=dock polygon 10+
canal canal waterway=canal polygon 10+

Layer “water_polygons_labels”

Holds point (centroid) geometries and names for all named water polygons available in the water_polygons layer.

The way_area attributes allows you to prefer labels of larger areas. Features are sorted by way_area in descending order.


Field name Type Description
kind string type of water body (see water_polygons layer for a list of values)
way_area numeric area in square meter (Mercator Projection)
name string value of OSM name=* tag
name_en string value of OSM name:en=* tag
name_de string value of OSM name:de=* tag

Layer “water_lines”

Holds waterway line geometries. Features are sorted by their layer=* tags in OpenStreetMap in ascending order (default 0).


Field Name Type Default Description
kind string type of waterway
tunnel boolean false true for tunnel=yes,​building_passage or covered=yes . false otherwise
bridge boolean false true for bridge=yes,​viaduct,​boardwalk,​cantilever,​covered,​low_water_crossing,​movable,​trestle . false otherwise


kind OSM tag Geometry Zoom
canal canal waterway=canal line Canals are available if their line is longer than 0.25 pixel but not below 9.
river river waterway=river line Rivers are available if their line is longer than 0.25 pixel but not below 9.
stream stream waterway=stream line 14+
ditch ditch waterway=ditch line 14+

Layer “water_lines_labels”

Hold line geometries and names for named water lines.

Minimum Zoom Levels

Feature Zoom
canal Canals are available if their line is longer than 0.25 pixel but not below 12.
river Rivers are available if their line is longer than 0.25 pixel but not below 12.
stream 14+
ditch 14+


Field Name Type Default Description
kind string type of water body (see water_lines layer for a list of values)
name string value of OSM name=* tag
name_en string value of OSM name:en=* tag
name_de string value of OSM name:de=* tag
tunnel boolean false true for tunnel=yes,​building_passage or covered=yes , false otherwise
bridge boolean false true for bridge=yes,​viaduct,​boardwalk,​cantilever,​covered,​low_water_crossing,​movable,​trestle , false otherwise

Layer “dam_lines”

Holds line geometries of dams (not dykes).


Field Name Type
kind string


kind OSM tag Geometry Zoom
dam dam waterway=dam line 12+

Layer “dam_polygons”

Holds polygon geometries of dams (not dykes).


Field Name Type
kind string


kind OSM tag Geometry Zoom
dam dam waterway=dam polygon 12+

Layer “pier_lines”

This layer contains piers, breakwaters and groynes mapped as lines. See the pier_polygons layer for those mapped as polygons.


Field Name Type Description
kind string see Features section for possible values


kind OSM Tags Geometry Zoom
pier man_made=pier line 12+
breakwater man_made=breakwater line 12+
groyne man_made=groyne line 12+

Layer “pier_polygons”

This layer contains piers, breakwaters and groynes mapped as polygons. See the pier_lines layer for those mapped as lines.


Field Name Type Description
kind string see Features section for possible values


kind OSM Tags Geometry Zoom
pier man_made=pier line 12+
breakwater man_made=breakwater line 12+
groyne man_made=groyne line 12+

Countries, States, Cities

Layer “boundaries”

Holds boundary lines of countries and states.


Field name Type Description
admin_level numeric highest administrative boundary this line belongs to
maritime boolean Boundary line is located on sea, base on OSM maritime=* tag, or is the coastline (way tagged with natural=coastline )
disputed boolean Boundary line is tagged with disputed=yes or member of a relation with boundary=disputed and admin_level unset or between 2 and 4.


Value of admin_level Geometry Zoom
countries 2 line 0+
states 4 line 7+

Layer “boundary_labels”

Holds label points for boundary polygons of countries and states. Features are sorted by way_area in descending order.


Field name Type Description
admin_level numeric value of OSM admin_level=* tag, see Features section for possible values
way_area numeric area in ha
name string value of OSM name=* tag
name_en string value of OSM name:en=* tag
name_de string value of OSM name:de=* tag


Value of admin_level Geometry Minimum Area Zoom
countries 2 point 2*10^6 km² 2+
countries 2 point 7*10^5 km² 3+
countries 2 point 1*10^5 km² 4+
countries 2 point none 5+
states 4 point 7*10^5 km² 3+
states 4 point 1*10^5 km² 4+
states 4 point none 5+

Layer “place_labels”

Holds label points for populated places. Features are sorted by population in descending order.


Field Name Type Description
kind string value of OSM place=* tag, see Features section for possible values
name string value of OSM name=* tag
name_en string value of OSM name:en=* tag
name_de string value of OSM name:de=* tag
population numeric value of OSM population=* tag, else defaults (see below)


Value of kind OSM Tags Geometry Zoom Default Population
national capital capital place=city,​town,​village,​hamlet + capital=yes point 4+ depends on place *
state capital state_capital place=city,​town,​village,​hamlet + capital=4 point 4+ depends on place *
city city place=city (except capitals) point 6+ 100,000
town town place=town (except capitals) point 7+ 5,000
village village place=village (except capitals) point 10+ 100
hamlet hamlet place=hamlet (except capitals) point 10+ 50
suburb suburb place=suburb point 10+ 1,000
quarter quarter place=quarter point 10+ 500
neighbourhood neighbourhood place=neighbourhood point 10+ 100
isolated dwelling isolated_dwelling place=isolated_dwelling point 10+ 5
farm farm place=farm point 10+ 5
island island place=island point 10+ 0
unpopulated place locality place=locality point 10+ 0

Land Use, Land Cover, Buildings

Layer “land”

This layer contains basic land cover that is usually drawn first.


Field Name Type Description
kind string see Features section for possible values


kind OSM Tags Geometry Zoom
forest landuse=forest or natural=wood polygon 7+
grass landuse=grass polygon 11+
meadow landuse=meadow polygon 11+
orchard landuse=orchard polygon 11+
vineyard landuse=vineyard polygon 11+
allotments landuse=allotments polygon 11+
cemetery landuse=cemetery polygon 13+
grave_yard amenity=grave_yard polygon 13+
village_green landuse=village_green polygon 11+
recreation_ground landuse=recreation_ground polygon 11+
greenhouse_horticulture landuse=greenhouse_horticulture polygon 11+
plant_nursery landuse=plant_nursery polygon 11+
sand natural=sand polygon 10+
beach natural=beach polygon 10+
heath natural=heath polygon 11+
scrub natural=scrub polygon 11+
grassland natural=grassland polygon 11+
bare_rock natural=bare_rock polygon 11+
scree natural=scree polygon 11+
shingle natural=shingle polygon 11+
swamp wetland=swamp polygon 11+
bog wetland=bog polygon 11+
string_bog wetland=string_bog polygon 11+
wet_meadow wetland=wet_meadow polygon 11+
marsh wetland=marsh polygon 11+
golf_course leisure=golf_course polygon 11+
park leisure=park polygon 11+
garden leisure=garden polygon 11+
playground leisure=playground polygon 11+
miniature_golf leisure=miniature_golf polygon 11+
residential landuse=residential polygon 10+
industrial landuse=industrial polygon 10+
commercial landuse=commercial polygon 10+
garages landuse=garages polygon 10+
retail landuse=retail polygon 10+
railway landuse=railway polygon 10+
landfill landuse=landfill polygon 10+
quarry landuse=quarry polygon 11+
brownfield landuse=brownfield polygon 10+
greenfield landuse=greenfield polygon 10+
farmyard landuse=farmyard polygon 10+
farmland landuse=farmland polygon 10+

Layer “sites”

This layer is for types of land use that will usually be above the basic land layer, but below buildings.


Field Name Type Description
kind string see Features section for possible values


Value of kind OSM Tag Geometry Zoom
military danger area danger_area military=danger_area polygon 14+
sports center sports_center leisure=sports_center polygon 14+
university campus university amenity=university polygon 14+
college campus college amenity=college polygon 14+
school campus school amenity=school polygon 14+
hospital campus hospital amenity=hospital polygon 14+
prison area prison amenity=prison polygon 14+
car park parking amenity=parking polygon 14+
bicycle parking bicycle_parking amenity=bicycle_parking polygon 14+
construction site construction landuse=construction polygon 14+

Layer “buildings”

Has polygons for everything with a building tag (not building=no) from zoom 14 on.

There is a property for all features on this layer, called dummy, a number which is always 1.

Layer “addresses”

Has points for everything with an address from zoom 14+. Polygons are represented by their centroid.

If a feature is available in the pois layer, it will not be duplicated in the addresses layer.


Field Name Type OSM Key
housename string addr:housename=*
housenumber string addr:housenumber=*

Streets and Transport

Layer “streets”

Holds line geometries of the whole road network. Features are ordered by the so-called z-order value which is computed from road class, OSM layer=* , bridge=* and tunnel=* tags. More important roads are are sorted before less important roads, tunnels before bridges.


Field Name Type Zoom Default Description
kind string 5+ always set Feature class, contains value of highway=* , aeroway=* or railway=*
link boolean 11+ false true for link roads ( highway=motorway_link,​trunk_link,​primary_link,​secondary_link,​tertiary_link )
rail boolean 5+ false true for railways, false otherwise
tunnel boolean 11+ false true for tunnel=yes,​building_passage or covered=yes , false otherwise
bridge boolean 11+ false true for bridge=yes,​viaduct,​boardwalk,​cantilever,​covered,​low_water_crossing,​movable,​trestle , false otherwise
oneway boolean 14+ false true for oneway=yes,​1,​true,​-1 ; always false for rail features
oneway_reverse boolean 14+ false true for reverse (not reversible) oneways ( oneway=-1 ); always false for rail features
tracktype string 11+ field not available value of tracktype=*
surface string 11+ empty string value of surface=*
service string 11+ field not available value of service=*
bicycle string 14+ empty string value of bicycle=*
horse string 14+ empty string value of horse=*


The following features are available in this layer:

Feature Class value of kind Zoom Comment
motorway and their links motorway 5+ Use link flag to differentiate between main roads type and their links.
trunk roads and their links trunk 6+ Use link flag to differentiate between main roads type and their links.
primary roads and their links primary 8+ Use link flag to differentiate between main roads type and their links.
secondary roads and their links secondary 9+ Use link flag to differentiate between main roads type and their links.
tertiary roads and their links tertiary 10+ Use link flag to differentiate between main roads type and their links.
side roads unclassified 12+
residential roads residential 12+
roads exclusively for buses busway 12+
bus guideways bus_guideway 12+
residential roads w/traffic calming living_street 13+
service roads service 13+
pedestrian roads pedestrian 13+
tracks track 13+
footpaths footway 13+
steps steps 13+
unspecified paths path 13+ use the bicycle and horse attributes for details about permitted use of the path
bicycle paths cycleway 13+
runway runway 11+
taxiway taxiway 13+
railway rail 8/10+ ways with service=* on zoom level 8+, other ways on zoom level 10+
narrow gauge railway narrow_gauge 8+ ways with service=* on zoom level 8+, other ways on zoom level 10+
tram tram 10+
light railway light_rail 10+
funicular funicular 10+
subway subway 10+
monorail monorail 10+

Layer “street_polygons”

Holds polygons geometries of certain streets mapped as polygons. Features are ordered by the so-called z-order value which is computed from road class, OSM layer=* , bridge=* and tunnel=* tags. More important roads are are sorted before less important roads, tunnels before bridges.


Field Name Type Default Description
kind string always set Feature class, contains value of highway=* or area:aeroway=*
bridge boolean false true for bridge=yes,​viaduct,​boardwalk,​cantilever,​covered,​low_water_crossing,​movable,​trestle , false otherwise
rail boolean false always false
service string empty string value of service=*
surface string empty string value of surface=*
tunnel boolean false true for tunnel=yes,​building_passage or covered=yes , false otherwise


The following features are available in this layer:

Feature Class value of kind Zoom
pedestrian pedestrian 14+
service roads service 14+
runway runway 11+
taxiway taxiway 13+

Layer “street_labels”

This layer holds street geometries for labelling. It contains their names and reference numbers.


Field Name Type OSM Key
kind string value of OSM highway=* , aeroway=* or taxiway=* tag
ref string value of OSM ref=* tag, semicolons replaced by newline characters (ASCII character 10)
ref_rows numeric number of lines of the ref value
ref_cols numeric maximum line length of the ref value
name string value of OSM name=* tag
name_en string value of OSM name:en=* tag
name_de string value of OSM name:de=* tag
tunnel boolean


Feature Class value of kind Zoom
motorway motorway 10+
motorway links motorway_link 13+
trunk roads trunk 12+
trunk roads trunk_link 13+
primary roads primary 12+
primary links primary_link 13+
secondary roads secondary 13+
secondary links secondary_link 13+
tertiary roads tertiary 13+
tertiary links tertiary_link 14+
side roads unclassified 14+
residential roads residential 14+
residential roads w/traffic calming living_street 14+
roads exclusively for buses busway 14+
bus guideways bus_guideway 14+
service roads service 14+
pedestrian roads pedestrian 14+
tracks track 14+
footpaths footway 14+
steps steps 14+
unspecified paths path 14+
bicycle paths cycleway 14+
runway runway 11+
taxiway taxiway 13+
railway rail 10+
narrow gauge railway narrow_gauge 10+
tram tram 10+
light railway light_rail 10+
funicular funicular 10+
subway subway 10+
monorail monorail 10+

Layer “streets_polygons_labels”

Holds labelling points of the polygons of the “streets_polygons” layer.


Field Name Type OSM Key
kind string value of OSM highway=* or aeroway=* tag
name string value of OSM name=* tag
name_en string value of OSM name:en=* tag
name_de string value of OSM name:de=* tag


The following features are available in this layer:

Feature Class value of kind Zoom
pedestrian pedestrian 14+
service roads service 14+
runway runway 14+
taxiway taxiway 14+

Layer “street_labels_points”

This layer holds motorway exit labels.


Field Name Type OSM Key
kind string value of OSM highway=* tag
ref string value of OSM ref=* tag
name string value of OSM name=* tag
name_en string value of OSM name:en=* tag
name_de string value of OSM name:de=* tag


The following features are available in this layer:

Feature Class value of kind Zoom
motorway exit points motorway_junction 12+

Layer “bridges”

This layer contains bridges mapped as polygons. There is no distinction which type of road, railway, runway or waterway uses this bridge.

Please mind that only some bridges are mapped as polygons but almost all roads located on a bridge have their location on a bridge as an attribute (see streets layer for details).


Field Name Type Description
kind string see Features section for possible values


kind OSM Tags Geometry Zoom
bridge man_made=bridge polygon 12+

Layer “aerialways”

Holds aerialways as lines.


Field Name Type OSM Key
kind string aerialway=*


Feature Class value of kind OSM Tag Zoom
cable car cable_car aerialway=cable_car 12+
gondola gondola aerialway=gondola 12+
goods cable car goods aerialway=goods 12+
chair lift chair_lift aerialway=chair_lift 12+
drag lift drag_lift aerialway=drag_lift 12+
t-bar lift t-bar aerialway=t-bar 12+
j-bar lift j-bar aerialway=j-bar 12+
platter lift platter aerialway=platter 12+
rope-tow lift rope-tow aerialway=rope_tow 12+

Layer “ferries”

Holds line geometries of ferries.


Field Name Type OSM Key
kind string
name string value of OSM name=* tag
name_en string value of OSM name:en=* tag
name_de string value of OSM name:de=* tag


The following features are available in this layer:

Feature Class value of kind OSM Tag Zoom
motor vehicle ferries ferry route=ferry + motor_vehicle!=no 10+
all ferries ferry route=ferry 12+

Points of interest

Layer “public_transport”

Holds public transport stops as points. Areas in OSM are represented by their centroid.


Field Name Type Description
kind string feature class
name string value of OSM name=* tag
name_en string value of OSM name:en=* tag
name_de string value of OSM name:de=* tag
iata string value of OSM iata=* tag


Feature Class value of kind OSM Tag Zoom
airport, aerodrome aerodrome aeroway=aerodrome 11+
helipad helipad aeroway=helipad 13+
station station railway=station 13+
halt halt railway=halt 13+
tram_stop tram_stop railway=tram_stop 14+
bus_station bus_station amenity=bus_station 13+
bus_stop bus_stop highway=bus_stop 14+
ferry terminal ferry_terminal amenity=ferry_terminal 12+
aerialway station aerialway_station aerialway=station 13+

Layer “pois”

Holds points of interest as point geometries. Areas in OSM are represented by their centroid.

All features are available on zoom level 14 only.


Field Name Type Default Description
amenity string null value of OSM amenity=* tag if listed in the “Features” subsection below
leisure string null value of OSM leisure=* tag if listed in the “Features” subsection below
tourism string null value of OSM tourism=* tag if listed in the “Features” subsection below
shop string null value of OSM shop=* tag if listed in the “Features” subsection below
man_made string null value of OSM man_made=* tag if listed in the “Features” subsection below
historic string null value of OSM historic=* tag if listed in the “Features” subsection below
emergency string null value of OSM emergency=* tag if listed in the “Features” subsection below
highway string null value of OSM highway=* tag if listed in the “Features” subsection below
office string null value of OSM office=* tag if listed in the “Features” subsection below
name string null value of OSM name=* tag
name_en string null value of OSM name:en=* tag
name_de string null value of OSM name:de=* tag
housename string null addr:housename=*
housenumber string null addr:housenumber=*

The following attributes are set for selected features only. Their value comes from the equally named OSM keys.

Field Name Type Default Selection criteria (OSM tags)
cuisine string null amenity=restaurant,​fast_food,​pub,​bar,​cafe
sport string null leisure=pitch,​sports_centre
vending string null amenity=vending_machine
information string null tourism=information
tower:type string null man_made=tower
religion string null amenity=place_of_worship
denomination string null amenity=place_of_worship

The following attributes are set for selected features only. They are true if the specified OSM key has the value yes.

Field Name Type Default Selection criteria (OSM tags)
recycling:glass_bottles boolean false amenity=recycling
recycling:paper boolean false amenity=recycling
recycling:clothes boolean false amenity=recycling
recycling:scrap_metal boolean false amenity=recycling
atm boolean false amenity=bank


The following key-value combinations are included in this layer: